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Little Healers Collective

The Little Healers Collective at Brooklyn Amity School's Elementary division is a dedicated group of compassionate young minds who have united with a profound mission: to bring light and hope to underserved communities through cataract surgeries. With unwavering determination, we embark on a journey in the 2023-2024 school season to provide essential cataract surgeries in Tanzania. Our goal is clear - to perform 100 cataract surgeries and restore vision for those in need.

Driven by the belief that even the smallest hands can make a significant impact, our collective is committed to transforming lives and spreading the gift of sight. Guided by empathy, empathy, and a deep sense of responsibility, we channel our energies towards eradicating preventable blindness in underserved regions. By rallying together, raising funds, and advocating for the cause, we aim to illuminate the lives of those who have been living in darkness.

With each surgery, we aim not only to restore eyesight but also to reignite dreams, potential, and independence. As the Little Healers Collective, we pledge to be the catalysts of change, the agents of compassion, and the bearers of hope. Through our collective efforts, we aspire to touch hearts, change lives, and leave a lasting legacy of healing and empathy.

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Aviso de política no discriminatoria en cuanto a los estudiantes

Brooklyn Amity School admite estudiantes de cualquier raza, color, origen nacional y étnico con todos los derechos, privilegios, programas y actividades generalmente otorgados o puestos a disposición de los estudiantes en la escuela. No discrimina por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional y étnico en la administración de sus políticas educativas, políticas de admisión, programas de becas y préstamos, y programas deportivos y otros programas administrados por la escuela.


3867 Shore Parkway, Brooklyn NY 11235

Teléfono: +1 (718) 891-6100

Fax: +1 (718) 891-6841 

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